The Holy Name


The Bible speaks of only one “holy name” of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and that holy name in English is usually given as either Jehovah (based on the Masoretic Hebrew text) or Yahweh (based on some ancient Greek manuscripts). Although many refer to “holy/sacred names (plural),” the Bible never refers to holy names or sacred names; there is only one holy or sacred name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob given in the Bible.
The above link produces a list of scriptures from the “American Standard Version”  that contain the phrase “holy name”, also often referred to as the “divine name” or “sacred name”. Many other titular names, often called “names” of God, such as EL, ELOHIM, ADONAI, GOD, THE LORD, etc., are not the “holy name,” but these words are — by man — often substituted for the holy name.

The original Hebrew did not have any written vowel markings. The vowel points were added to the Hebrew by Masoretes several centuries after Christ, and after the Hebrew language had become basically a “dead” language. Thus, as one Hebrew scholar told me, we cannot be 100% sure that the vowel points as given by the Masoretes are correct for any of the Hebrew words. Indeed, we cannot be sure what ancient Hebrew sounded like

Traditionally, it is claimed that The Masoretes took the vowel points they supplied to the words ADONAI and ELOHIM to used in forms of the Holy Name, ostensibly as a reminder to not pronounce the Holy Name, or to pronounce the Holy Name as ADONAI or ELOHIM. I have never seen any proof, however, that they deliberately used the vowel points of Adonai or elohim in the tetragrammaton so as to cause one to mispronounce the holy name, as is often claimed.

More than likely, the Greek pronunciation of holy name, which came to sound something like “Yahweh,” based on vowel sounds often attributed the form often transliterated as “IAUE,” which is possibly shortened from from a Greek form often transliterated as “IAOUE.” These forms evidently developed by trying to give a Greek pronunciation of the holy name into the Greek, based on sounds, not by trying match any written vowels from the Hebrew to the Greek, since there were no written vowels in the Hebrew at the time. The theory is that In the Koine Greek, the “h” sound did not exist, making the “o” sound almost silent, thus ending up with four vowel sounds, IAUE, from which has come the English “Yahweh.”

At any rate, “Jehovah” and “Yahweh” are both English pronunciations of the same name, just as “Jesus”, “Joshua”, “Jeshua”, as well as “Yeshua”, etc., are all English pronunciations of the same name. Any idea that one has to pronounce the Holy Name in other languages exactly as it was pronounced in ancient Hebrew comes from man, not from God. In other words, the claim that the Holy Name has to be pronounced in every language exactly as it was pronounced in ancient Hebrew, or else that it is a false name, is not found in the Bible; it is the product of carnal reasoning.

The Vatican’s Proclamation

yhvh2The Vatican has recently proclaimed that the Most Holy Name in the universe is not to be pronounced in Catholic liturgy. The odd thing is that the Vatican claims that holy name is not to be pronounced, but then they substitute and pronounce the Most Holy name as “God,” “Lord” or “the Lord.” If they truly would not pronounce it, they would have to just skip over the Most Holy name altogether, rather than pronounce the Most Holy Name as “the Lord.” In other words, they wish to have the Most High proclaiming: “I am the Lord. That is my name.” (Isaiah 42:8) They are thus actually pronouncing the Holy Name as “the Lord,” and would have the Most High Himself as stating that His name is “the Lord.” To actually not pronounce the Most Holy Name at all, they would have to read this as: “I am …. That is my name.”

“The Lord,” however, is not the holy name. But by substituting the “the Lord,” and reading “the Lord” into the scriptures as though it were the holy name, “the Lord” itself is being mispresented as being the “holy name” of the only true God.

“Lord,” as a name, is actually a rendering of the name of the false god, Baal.